
08 December 2012

Resep Bandeng Presto | Step-by-Step

Resep Bandeng Presto |

Have not yet browsing on internet world, past afternoon I took to surfing. A little story, my personal website - - I just reconstruct. The objective is of course to enhance the customers, possible customers, as well as you may be the true connoisseurs of bandeng. :)

>> Mouse click HERE to order our BANDENG PRESTO products <<

Fad I typed 'resep bandeng presto' in Google, I get lost (yes certainly not stray times yes) to among the many blogs which it contains recipes, cooking, cooking area, etc. Effectively, resep bandeng presto is one that admin explored.

Resep Bandeng Presto | That I'm Destroyed

At this site, Ms. (if indeed women) Admin practiced recipe from Detik Food, Detik pages focusing on culinary subjects. Ms. Admin states it is need struggle to cook bandeng presto. Nah loh?!
But it's his name cooking alongside resep bandeng presto takes perseverance. The happen? Please try it your self. Dorsal soft bandeng handmade cooking would certainly pay our mood. Even kids can enjoy it safely (of thorns).

Ready to practise? Let's see ...

Resep Bandeng Presto | The Ingredients

1 kg of fresh bandeng
Remove the scales, waste entrails
(Adjust the pressure cooker that we had gotten. Fish around can be cut back into pieces if necessary)
1 orange fruit juice
Squeeze water
1 tablespoon yeast tape
10 cloves garlic
5 cm turmeric
3 inches of ginger
2 tablespoons of salt
1 teaspoon granulated glucose
6 stalks lemongrass
Crushed it
6 bay leaves
10 centimeters galangal
Crushed it
A few of banana leaves for steaming
Ingredients for frying:
Cooking oil to taste
1 egg
Stir it!

Steps to make (that have to be patient):
Puree garlic, turmeric, ginger, salt, as well as sugar
Place seafood with lemon juices, yeast tape, and also spices (step 1), allow around 2 hours in the refrigerator
Prepare the stress cooker, with a high drinking water content of less high than vapor filter.
Submit sequence: banana leaf, gulf leaf, lemongrass-galangal, seafood, dairy, banana leaf, gulf leaf, lemongrass-ginger, milk fish around yet again, as well as banana leaves.
Turn the burner to the pan sizzling (basically sound), lessen the heat, let it fizz up to 30 hour.
Switch off heat, wait up until the vapor valve down.
Open a pot, drinking water recharge, presto another 30 hour, let cool
Once cool, dip in beaten egg milk, fried till brown, get rid of and also drain

Undoubtedly think of the head, bandeng presto by yourself is good. However, of course, might be the a lot more delicious! The sauce!! Yep, typical dip Indonesia cannot be missed.

Sauce for bandeng presto:

4 tablespoons of cooking oil
Components chili sauce (puree):
150 grams big red chillies (boiled)
10 pieces of cayenne pepper
8 spring onions
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon granulated glucose
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon shrimp paste fried
Just how to make (please wait a great deal longer ...):
Heat oil and saute up until fragrant spices, and additionally cook up until done

The presentation is a maximum of you. However, the standard and additionally serve alongside sauce which you simply created above and greens (for those fond of).

You understand, I definitely will surely take the second plate with this resep bandeng presto. Yummy!

06 December 2012

Resep Bandeng Presto | Step-by-Step

Sudah lama tidak ber-surfing untuk jalan-jalan, kemarin sore saya menyempatkan untuk berselancar. Sedikit bercerita, website saya ini -- -- baru saja saya rombak ulang. Tujuannya tentu saja untuk memudahkan pelanggan, calon pelanggan, dan kalian para penikmat bandeng sejati.

Baca selengkapnya ...

27 November 2012

Bandeng Presto - Kuliner Bandeng Presto Semarang Jadi Idaman

Beli Bandeng Presto |

Entah sejak kapan bandeng presto jadi ikon kuliner di kota Semarang, ibukota Jawa Tengah itu. Padahal sejarah mencatat bandeng presto Juwana, daerah Pati yang mempeloporinya. Banyak yang berpendapat, Semarang dipilih menjadi pusatnya karena memang kemudahan akses dan pasarnya yang luas.

Ya, di daerah kecamatan Juwana, Pati diklaim sebagai sentra industri bandeng presto yang pertama. Inilah yang menjadikan nama bandeng presto Juwana mencuat. Bahkan sampai ada yang menjadikannya merk dagang. Padahal tidak hanya di Pati saja tempat industrinya. Kami, mendistribusikan bandeng presto enak dari Kendal. memiliki visi menjadi kuliner bandeng lebih mendunia. Misinya, kami ingin seluruh Nusantara bisa mencicipi bandeng dengan mudah. Akses internet dan pengiriman cepat adalah andalan dari usaha kami. Tinggal telpon/SMS, kami akan memprosesnya, dan esok hari Anda bisa mengolahnya dan menikmatinya. memiliki varian produk yang bermacam-macam. Dari bandeng presto vaccum pack (jamak dikenal masyarakat) sampai dengan olahan bumbu dendeng dan pepes yang kami kembangkan. Tentang rasa, silakan coba. Kami jamin kelezatannya.

Ikan bandeng dan olahan bandeng presto dari kami sengaja kami tidak bubuhi bahan pengawet karena memang kami memiliki filosofi makanan itu harus asli. Dengan rasa tanpa bahan pengawet, kami memiliki harapan gizi dari ikan bandeng tersebut tetap bisa diserap tubuh secara sempurna.

Banyak dari pelanggan kami, bahkan ada peminat dari negeri tetangga yang menanyakan kehalalan produk kami. Dan untuk pertanyaan itu, kami bisa menjawab dengan mudah. Dengan visi dan misi kami di atas, kami mengedepankan yang terbaik termasuk kualitas yang dijamin pemerintah Indonesia. MUI dan DinKes telah mensahkan kualitas produk kami, halal dan sehat.

Lalu, apa yang Anda tunggu? Untuk memenuhi dahaga wisata kuliner Semarang Anda, silakan hubungi kami untuk segera memesan produk bandeng presto di